Thursday 8 December 2016

Do The Green Thing

Do The Green Thing is an 'public service' that I have discovered through the recent article on It's Nice That. The article covers the recent issue that the company have produced 'Why Santa Must Die'. This firstly caught my attention through the title of the article. I was then led to search the website as it strongly relates to the subject of the essay question. 

The website goes on to explain that they are a 'public service for the planet that uses creativity to tackle climate change'. Since 2008 the organisation have been working with the creative global community to produce films, posters, walkcasts and 'everyday things that have inspired 40 million people to live more sustainably'. This firstly indicates that design does have an effect on society's behaviour towards climate change and that there are global creatives that are aware of this. 

To ensure that they are maintaining a status in society, issues are published every two months that 'challenge the sustainable status quo through long-form arguments and creative provocations.' 

Each of the articles discuss different areas that all result around the subject over overconsumption. The most recent article talks about how the celebration of Christmas has lead to a global over consumption that reoccurs and heightens each year. 'Blame our greed, with Christmas coming as it does in the middle of full-on want-a-thon that begins with the darkly-named Black Friday, reboots with the dystopian Cyber Monday, extends through the twelve days six weeks of Giftmas then enters the home splurge straight with the Winter Sales. Why stop buying at Christmas? Especially when we're buying so generously for others, who in turn we hope will buy as generously for us.' This quote demonstrates the nature of the article and the argument that they are fighting. 

The first issue released, 'How screenwriters are ruining the planet' goes on to explain that 'movie theatres are filled with stories that frame eco-irresponsibility - over consumption, over-reliance on fossil fuels - as aspirational, cool or even just normal. At best, this gives we - the audience - tacit permission to let bad environmental behaviour go unexamined. At worst, it encourages us to copy it.' Although this influence may be hypothetical, it is real enough for The World Health Organisation to ensure that all films that feature smoking, to be given adult ratings. However, this does not stop the influence completely as it is still viewed by adults of an over 18 age. 

The content in the articles relate directly to the essay question as they are demonstrating through graphic design, the current issues related to climate change. The responses in relation to the articles are influential media of graphic design that have a visual importance as well as being sometimes humorous yet shocking. This is an approach that could be taken for the practical work supporting the essay.

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