Monday, 14 November 2016

Design Can Change

This website has been particularly helpful in providing pointers to take on board that will ensure your work will environmentally friendly as well as it being effective in society.

'The public is starting to recognise the importance of good design. They demand it in their products, entertainment experience and almost every facet of their lives. It is now accepted that our efforts are pivotal in shaping the world around us.' 

'By utilizing our ability to effectively communicate and build interest, we can generate awareness and further cause to end global warming.' 

How are designers involved in climate change?

- the paper industry is the third largest industrial polluter to air, water and land (Canada and U.S)

- Paper manufacturing is the third largest user of fossil fuels worldwide and the single largest user of water per pound. 

Although not necessarily linked to the research question, the facts and suggestions made could be incorporated into the practical element of this module. For example using recycled paper to print or other methods of more ecological printing. This is something to research further. 

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