Friday, 22 April 2016

End of Module Evaluation

Throughout this module I have bettered my understanding of Graphic Design through the reading of academic writing and other primary research, as well as through my own development of practical work. This module has developed my skills in academic writing, introducing me to the use and importance of Harvard Referencing and how to use this within my writing. Choosing an essay question that I had minimal knowledge of beforehand meant that I was able to explore a number of different academias and their opinions, as well as looking at different sources for my research (Study Task 01 helped with this). However, I think that I could have looked into more alternative opinions on my essay subject so that there was reference to each side of the argument, rather than focusing primarily on one. On the other hand, the resources I did use showed me the importance of having content to back up your argument in an essay so that there is a final answer to the essay question. My previous studies have meant that I found writing the essay the least challenging part, on the other hand gathering the content and organising the information was an area that I found more challenging. However, I found that Study Task 04 and 05 were particularly helpful with supporting this area of the essay. I therefore was not limited when it came to putting the essay together as I had completed all the study tasks given therefore I could take my skills that I had explored in these tasks and apply them to the essay.

Due to strict time management I completed the essay early on within the module. After the first draft deadline I was able to complete the relevant suggested adjustment and then gain feedback again. This meant that my essay was completed to a high standard before I began working on the practical work. Balancing my time in this way has meant that I was able to focus on each of the areas of this module equally. It also meant that I was able to apply  the information I had learned in the research for my essay to the practical work, as well as researching additional areas in advertising. Due to the relevancy of the brand I was creating an alternative advertising style for, I chose a photography direction for the practical work. This meant that I was able to collaborate with photographer Hilda Quick as well as being able to apply the photography skills I had developed in OUGD404 and apply them to the practical work I was completing. This chosen media meant that I restricted my time plan as it meant I had to plan weeks in advance so that I could secure a studio space. In some cases this was not available and I found other ways to photograph the content that I needed for the poster. This has shown me that a studio space is not always needed and using what is around you is sometimes a better way to photograph a product. It has also helped with structuring my time management within this module as well as working on others at the same time. 

Overall I feel that I am now a stronger and more confident designer. I am able to write and correctly reference a piece of writing as well as complete the appropriate research to support my writing. This module has introduced me to various sources of research which has shown me not to limit my research to just one resource (books). The practical work that I completed also supports my essay and has shown me an alternative image to advertising. This has opened my eyes to Graphic Design and has demonstrated the importance of the audiences opinion as well as the importance of understanding the history behind graphic design elements. 

Tuesday, 19 April 2016


The feedback received on the series of designs that I presented has highlighted that through the developed design I completed my aim of removing the gender stereotyped image that is typically used in advertising as well as addressing the research question on 'the extent to which advertising constructs our ideas of gender'. 
It was highlighted from the feedback that the audience were less attracted to buy the product as the reliability factor was lacking as the design continued to change. This is through the designs moving towards a more flat element rather than the original design that had a body like structure. This has shown me that although many may disagree with gender stereotypes in advertising, it is needed to attract the audience and to make a design appealing. This is could be due to the fact that this has been something that has been present in society for a long period of time therefore we have unknowingly become used to this appearance to advertising. This means that when there is a strong change, such as the designs that I developed, it is less effective to the audience as it is not what they are used to seeing. On the other hand, some of the comments did say that they are attracted the the more modern flat design as they see an alternative way of viewing advertising (looking more at the product rather than the model) however the result has to be taken from the majority, rather than specific individuals. 

At the end of the day, 'the primary function of advertising is to introduce a range of consumer goods to the public' Dyer, G (1988), therefore advertising must be appealing to the audience. Completing this section of the module has highlighted this to me and although it has meant that the resolutions that I have produced would not be effective in the real world, it has demonstrated to me the key elements of advertising and that a change is possible but it will take time for it to be effective. (The key element in this case is that advertising that contains a model is much more effective and grabs the audiences attention more than a flat, style life approach.)


After experimenting with a range of different routes that the design could be taken in, I have gathered feedback which focuses on which is the most appropriate at fulfilling my aim for the brief. The posters that I presented in this feedback are as follows:







 Q1: Which design do you think is the most effective at removing the gender stereotype element of underwear advertising? why?

- 5. The orange background means that there is no gender stereotype as blue and pink are typically gender linked. the flat design is the most effective at removing the gender element 

- All of the designs are effective in this way as they do not contain a model in the design but I can see how you have developed the design by experimenting with different styles but maintaining the simplicity of CK

- the products in the first design, particularly the bra make the design more feminine although this is the most effective design. would have been interesting to see this composition with the lounge top 

- 5/6 as the colour is not linked to a specific gender but I think that the overall composition style that you have gone for is successful at removing gender stereotypes

Q2: Which design is the most visually appealing in terms of it influences you to wanting to buy the product? why?

- 1. I think that because this design has the structure of a body, I am influenced more by the imagery more than the flat designs

- Although that I find designs 2,3,4,5,6 more visually appealing, I am only influenced by 1 as there is a visual representation

- 3. this design is subtle and visually influential. it demonstrates a change in advertising and shows an alternative image of CK

- 1 this design relates the most to CK due to the colour scheme of the design. having the invisible body hides what gender it is being aimed at but I am still attracted to the product

- 1 its a classic CK design that relates to the audience and brand which I am influenced to

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Experiments from Feedback

From the feedback comments made in the last session, I sketched out ideas taking into consideration what was said. It was mentioned that a gender neutral background may be effective therefore I am going to experiment with this. I am also going to look at adding a pattern through the use of text to the background to make the design more unique and eye catching. 


 - 'my calvins' is too light and doesn't stand out against the background colour

- the pale pink is effective and brings in the gender element however it is too bold and isn't subtle enough to be effective with the rest of the design

- The strength of colour for the 'my calvins' writing is more suitable in this design. It is strong enough to be noticed but subtle enough to not take over the design 

- The orange background provides a strong element of gender neutrality to the design as this colour is not associated with one specific gender

- I added the 'my calvins' text to the background of the design to experiment with both of the ideas together. adding a 'pattern' to the design was something that was suggested in the feedback and is something I have taken on board to try and make the design stand out and be unique, showing an alternative to what CK would usually do

Friday, 15 April 2016

Edited Images

When it came to editing the photographs and putting them together as a poster composition it became clear that the photographs weren't going to work in the way that I had planned. The images do not work together and due to the limited arm length from the photographs, when the images are put together there is limited imagery width wise to work with. 

Thursday, 14 April 2016


As I have previously only experimented with one of the sketched ideas that I originally had, I wanted to photograph another composition. I chose the design that involved having hands grabbing the product from either side. Feedback was received on this design and it was suggested that I experiment with this. 
I again collaborated with Hilda Quick for the photographs. Due to a limited number of hands for this shoot we had to photograph the products separately. 

Tuesday, 12 April 2016


From the feedback comments I have decided to continue with the use of colour in the background rather than using a black and white scheme. The third question covered an alternative route to take the typography in and from this I would like to experiment with having handwritten elements. The comments on this were controversial however it is still a route that I would like to explore. Before producing this digitally I will work with sketched ideas and then work digitally. This will mean that I can work with a number of ideas quickly before producing them digitally.

At this stage I have decided to experiment with the areas that I have covered in this post and then draw an end to this first design. I have a photography studio booked on Thursday to experiment with one of the other original sketched ideas that was highlighted as being a route to explore in the previous feedback session. I will apply the comments that have been made on the designs that I have already completed to the second direction so that a comparison can be made between the two styles to determine which is the most effective at fulfilling my aim. 


Below are the images that I presented when gathering feedback in todays session. I wrote focused questions to guide the feedback and to ensure that the responses I was receiving were directed at areas that I had queries on. 

1. Does adding colour make the design more engaging and current? 

- Yes, colour makes it more relevant to your gender topic. it is also an alternative change from Ck's previous adverts
- Yes, colour definitely makes it more engaging, colour makes the image pop
- The colours make the images look more 3D. maybe look at more gender neutral like gender neutral colours like yellow and orange

2. Which design do you think is the most successful at minimising/removing gender stereotypes? Why?

- I like the pink and blue idea. play around with it more to make it even more controversial and eye catching
- the pink and blue works well to be controversial but I like the blue ones the best. Image 2 is my favourite. I like how the underwear is separate in image 1 but the top is too close to the CK text. 
- the blue with the images closer together is the most aesthetically pleasing to me. it also in my opinion is the most gender neutral as the images are closer its almost like there is no gap/difference between men and women

3. Any suggestions to how I could experiment with a different layout of the text? I am going to experiment with having the #mycalvins in a handwritten style. Do you think this would be effective?

- advert concept seems very personal, perhaps try more with handwritten style text? use it as a pattern? write on the pale pink and blue?
- maybe the text between the underwear could bring the colour togethers more? the line between is a clash?
- Calvin Klein is known by their simplistic typeface logo so adding the handwritten type may not work well but would be a good experiment - also because all the type on the poster and merch is the same it may look inconsistent