Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Practical Disucssion

Through the feedback session, the various elements of the practical production were able to be discussed. Within this, queries were able to be raised and solutions discussed.

The first question asked was whether the logo to represent the qualifying social enterprises should include the title 'Social Enterprise'. The Fairtrade logo was discussed as it is a logo that features text but also works alone when positioned in a smaller format. Through this discussion it was decided that the scale of the logo would therefore determine whether the logo would be shown with type or not. The logo therefore needs to be able to work with and without the logo type. 

The second question focused around gaining suggestions for the design of the logo. From showing the group the design sheet that has been developed since Tutorial 4, the peers suggested having a simple but dynamic shape that represented the key elements of a social enterprise. The letter S was also discussed (this is the logo for Social Enterprise UK) and the movement of the environment but also social and reinvestment that the shape can suggest. This is something to develop further. 

The third question was asking advice on the video element of the practical response. Each member of the group was positive towards producing a video to promote the campaign as this is the most engaging and current format to display information. Worries over the production of the video were raised however solutions such as working with other members of the course and continuing the discussion with an animator student were encouraged. 
Advice was given to research into charities who have produced video content for social media. Dylan explained that they have incorporated certain elements to the video that make the viewer feel guilty for scrolling past the video and therefore feel compelled to watch. These are qualities that would be key to identify for a promotional video. 

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