Influenced by the research into business and social media, the certification of being a Social Enterprise will be promoted through social media.
Experimentations of the possible posts to the Instagram/Facebook page to provide understanding of social enterprises.
The general comments given were that the colour scheme works effectively with each of the vector illustrations. It was said that the tree illustrations reminded the peer group more of the forest than the whole environment. this is better achieved through the use of the globe. The social image suggestions were also positively received. However, the first set of speech bubbles were said to be unrecognisable and that remaining with the traditional shape ensures that the audience recognise the symbol. Suggestions were made towards making some of the images into an animation. Although this has been considered it would require the input of an animator which is currently unavailable.
Instagram Mockup:
The Instagram feed of the organisation would be used to raise awareness of the organisation to the everyday consumer as well as advertise those businesses that have been certified. The above screenshots are mock ups of potential posts.
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