Friday, 12 January 2018

Social Media

As found in research of the millennial target audience, social media is the largest platform that individuals engage with brands. The research is a collection of data from We Are Flint, and Rose Mcgrory. 

This graph shows that the platforms with the most users are Facebook and Linkedin, closely followed by Instagram. 

The above data suggests that the platforms with the highest number of users and daily activity are Instagram and Facebook. For businesses to reach this market, they would require a social media presence. 

Qualman, E. 2010. Socialnomics. [pdf] Available at 

'Social media touches nearly every facet of our personal and business lives. In business it isn't just for the Marketing and Public Relations departments. Rather, it is imperative for social media to be integral part of a company's overall strategy. Whether a business is large or small, its overall success will be partly owed to its success within social media.'  This indicates that a successful business model is one that includes the use of social media to promote and reach the target audience. In terms of how this relates to social enterprises, it would be key for the success of the promotion of social enterprises for this to be published through social media. 

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