The following designs are experimentations in the categories of; recycling visual, typography, shock factor, supermarket branding and pattern design. Each of the designs were experimented with in terms of composition, and content. The content and colour choices were informed by the research conducted into recycling and recycling creative.
#1 Recycling Visual
The majority of the comments made in reference to the 'Recycling visual' category were in reference to requiring more information behind the reason of the park bench. Once the reason (plastic bag materials can be recycled and used to make park benches) became clear, this design was described as being educational as this is not something that all were aware of. Suggestions were made towards the colours used in the designs; bright colours make the design stand out more, black isn't eye catching enough to draw attention. A number of comments were made towards the lack of eye catching element to the design. Although it is unusual to see an illustration of a park bench on a plastic bag, a number of individuals said that this would not make them stop and look at the bag.
#2 Typography.
The preferred design out of the five varied between the second and fifth. This was due to the short and bold typography, described as being eye catching and thought provoking. A majority of the individuals involved in the feedback discussion preferred the design that included a pattern. This was said to make the text stand out more and therefore draw more attention to the design. However there were also comments made by the male side of the audience stating that they thought the pattern was more feminine and therefore did not appeal to them as much. The comments were followed by suggestions as to how this could be overcome, such as choosing more masculine colours. However, this would make the design only appeal to a specific in the target audience and therefore not be successful at appealing to the identified wide target audience.
#3 Shock Factor.
The third design in this category was the preferred design. This was due to the bold type emphasising the message which was described as being further reinforced through the use of the colour red. It was also said that it was impactful to use the first person in the fourth and fifth design as this personification is effective in making the audience think of the object as more than just a plastic bag.
#4 Supermarket Branding.
When discussing this design, there was no definite favourite to the design preferred. Aspects such as having the recycling message in a large size makes it stand out more to the audience, as well as having this in the centre of the design. Some agreed that the recycling symbol would show them that the bag can be recycled, however many said that as they reuse the bag as a bin bag it is put in to landfill anyway. Through the discussion it was identified that designing for a large supermarket is a positive in terms of reaching a much larger audience.
Each of the comments made will direct the next design decisions made in terms of which design(s) will be taken forward.
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