The first question asked the audience to identify the design that they felt influenced them most to recycle the bag. Through the 50 responses made, the most popular selection was for design number 5 followed by design 2.

Q: Please state why you chose the selected design.
5 -28 votes
- It is a provoking and shocking statement. The bold type will make others look at the bag and provoke them to recycle too
- It is more in your face with the damage being caused
- Makes me think about the consequences of not recycling
- The red writing makes the idea behind saving the environment seem serious, it is almost like a personal threat that if you don't recycle the bag then I will be the cause of what the bag states
- The shock tactic really works and is emphasised by the the negative connotations of the red text
- This statement is not something that I was aware of and it would therefore shock me into recycling the bag
- This fact is not something I would typically expect to see on a plastic carrier bag - it is different from your typical supermarket bag so draws my attention to the design more
2 -20 votes
- Visual of what a difference recycling can make
- I would never think to relate plastic bags and park benches. This demonstrates what the material can be used for if recycled and therefore influences me
- This design shows what the bag can be if recycled and therefore gives me an insentive to do so
The overall comments made towards design 2 follow similar lines to the responses documented above. Nearly all of the responses given indicate positivity towards seeing a visual of what a plastic bag can be if it were to be recycled and this is something that would influence them to do so.
However, when comparing the responses to the ones given for design 5, there is a lack of enthusiasm and subsequently less votes for design 2. As this is only the opinion of the 50 respondents, a conclusion can only be made on the smaller selection of the target audience. The remaining 3 designs were not selected to a significant value to be recorded.
The second section to the survey asked the audience to select the design that influenced them the most in terms of reusing the carrier bag. This was a use that came from identifying that a number of individuals reuse carrier bags before 'binning' them, a purpose identified through the first survey.
As can be seen in the results chart above, the most popular choice was design 3. A number of the coments made were:
- Stylish design and exerts the importance of reusing. Will catch the eye of others and encourage them also
- Pattern design makes it more memorable and I would therefore reuse it for another/the same purpose
- I like the design so would be more likely to use it
- Stylish but is still making the point of reusing/recycling
The summary of the comments shows that a pattern/more decorative design would encourage the audience to reuse the plastic bag.
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